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   Home & guest house for sale- lake arenal costa rica USD:$389,000.00 
Stunning mediterranean style home 185m2 with pool and a quaint guest house overlooking lake Arenal in Costa Rica... house features central kitchen, living room with fireplace and skylights, 2 large bedrooms, laundry room and bathroom .. all on a lot 1065m2 a country living delight. Must be seen. Read Full
    Category: Country: City: Nuevo Arenal
    Ratings: Not Rated

   Costa rica =mediterranean style home for sale=lake arenal USD:$389,000.00 
With a stunning view of lake Arenal in Costa Rica, this spacious mediterranean style home 185.5m2 on a 1065m2 lot features a living room with fireplace, a central kitchen, 2 large bedrooms,huge bathroom, laundry and storage. Also a swimming pool and a guest house. Asking $389000.00 Must be seen! c Read Full
    Category: Country: City: Nuevo Arenal
    Ratings: Not Rated

   B&b on lake arenal, cr - a super, natural slice of paradise USD:$379,000.00 
2 verdant acres of view property on the Cote River, this B&B features 5 bdrms, 4 baths (incl. a separate suite currently under lease), a large, solar-heated swimming pool, paved entrance and a nature trail to the shores of Lake Arenal. Must be seen!
    Category: Country: City: Arenal Nuevo
    Ratings: Not Rated

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